Policy 6164.3 Consumption of Nutritious Foods

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POLICY 6164.3


The Board of School Trustees believes that the school has an important role to play in improving the health of students by reinforcing sound nutrition principles through both its food services and its education programs.

Nutrition has a strong impact on the educability of children.  A student’s physical and mental health and development, susceptibility and resistance to disease, reaction to stress, energy level and general morale, are all affected by the state of nutrition.

Positive nutrition must begin in early childhood when lifelong habits and attitudes are formed.  Nutrition education should be a cooperative effort between home and school with practice reinforcing theory. Therefore, the Board expects principals and teachers, in consultation with parent groups, to follow the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health guidelines when considering issues surrounding the provision of food in schools, lunchtime arrangements and related matters or, and utilize community resources when appropriate (e.g. nutritionists etc.)

The Board believes that the school’s role should be to provide nutrition education programs and to encourage the consumption of nutritious foods by the students in our schools.  This objective can be achieved by educational programs suitable to the various age levels and by ensuring that the school’s food services reflect a commitment to sound nutritional practices.

The Board has the responsibility to provide guidelines, through Regulations, concerning the quality of food for sale or served in schools.

Greater Victoria School District

Adopted:       July 23, 1984

Revised:         April 22, 1991

Revised:         June 18, 2007


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