Policy 6162.8 District Assessment of Programs and Students

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POLICY 6162.8


The Board approves the assessment of students and programs for the purposes of:

  1. evaluating instructional programs in order to improve their effectiveness through assisting planning programs for individual, classes, schools and the District as a whole;
  1. determining the level of student achievement in selected subject areas at selected grade levels;
  1. assisting in the allocation of resources;
  1. assisting in planning in-service activities for personnel;
  1. assisting students with career planning.

The Board recognizes that, to fulfill these purposes, the following assessment activities need to be regularly undertaken:

  1. Achievement Testing
  2. Diagnostic Testing
  3.  Aptitude and Interest Assessment
  4.  Program Accreditation and Evaluation

The Board recognizes that assessment involves professional, individual and public concerns and sensitivities.  These concerns will be safe­guarded by the regulations and procedures governing the assessment process.  Public reports about assessment will refer to program trends, strengths, needs and intended follow-up; no reference to in­dividuals or schools will be made

Greater Victoria School District

Adopted:       January 31, 1983


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