Policy 6142.03 Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Fine Arts

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POLICY 6142.03


The Board of School Trustees, School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria) is committed to the aesthetic development of students, and recognizes the artistic and social benefits of presentation of students’ work within the community.  In keeping with this commitment, the Board endorses the principle of structured co-curricular and extra-curricular programs in fine arts for District students as part of their intellectual, social, emotional, and aesthetic growth, acknowledging that significant learning experiences take place outside the classroom and outside the traditional time frames.  The Board also recognizes the value of fine arts presentations within this community, and elsewhere, provided that said presentations are consistent with, and supportive of the approved curriculum.

The Board of School Trustees of School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria) is committed to the concept of equal opportunity for all District students to participate in co-curricular arts activities.

Greater Victoria School District

Adopted:       April 25, 1983


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