Policy 6135.2 Career and Personal Planning 8-12 Sensitive Curriculum Issues

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POLICY 6135.2



The Board has developed the following policy in response to Ministry Directive 97-02 that parents and students may opt for alternative delivery methods of instruction for issues of a sensitive nature which are part of the personal development organizer of the CaPP 8-12 curriculum.

Integrated Resource Packages and Prescribed Learning Outcomes are available at each school.  Course Outlines will be distributed to each student at the beginning of the course and made available to parents at their request.

Students, with their parents’ consent and in consultation with their school, may choose not to participate in CaPP classes when sensitive topics are discussed and, instead, address the topics in an alternative manner.  Students must remain enrolled in the CaPP courses.

Suggested support materials designed to help parents, teachers and schools address alternative delivery can be found in the GVSD CaPP Curriculum Delivery Guide Grade 8-12.

Greater Victoria School District

Adopted:       January 24, 2000


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