Policy 5148 Alternatives to the Integrated Classroom

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The Board recognizes that a student with special needs should be placed in a setting other than a regular school classroom with age and grade peers only after the School and District have made all reasonable efforts to integrate the student, and it is clear that a combination of education in regular classes and supplementary support cannot meet their educational or social need; or there is clear evidence that partial or full placement in another setting is the most appropriate option after considering the educational needs of the student and of others.

When an alternative to a regular school class with age and grade peers is necessary, then placement in an alternate setting is to be done as part of a plan that is regularly reviewed and updated in consultation with parents and the school-based team with a view to returning the student to a regular school classroom as soon as it is feasible.
Greater Victoria School District

Approved: September 24, 2001
Revised: March 11, 2019

Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.

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