Policy 5142 Blood-Borne Diseases

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Students infected with blood-borne diseases will be attending schools in increasing number in the years to come.  It is important that educators and parents understand that students infected with these diseases do not pose a risk for others when basic hygiene procedures (Universal Precautions) are followed.


The Board of Trustees recognizes their responsibility to ensure the fair and compassionate management of students infected with the Human Immunodeficiency (HIV), with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or with the Hepatitis B or C virus (HVB/HVC).

The Board acknowledges its obligations to provide a safe school environment for all students and staff.  The Board also recognizes that the student with HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis has the right to a full and comprehensive education.  A student infected with HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis requires support from an informed school and health community which has access to accurate, up-to-date information.  The purpose of this policy and its attendant regulation is to:

  • prevent uncertainty and fear
  • protect infected students from discrimination
  • safeguard the right to privacy and
  • facilitate the successful inclusion in the school system.

The Board of Trustees directs the implementation and maintenance of prevention programs for both students and district personnel.

The District will work in partnership with the student’s family, the School Medical Officer and other community resources to support these students and to ensure the health and safety of the school community.


School Act Section 106 (1) Support Services for Schools

School Act Section 107 (1) (2) School Medical Officer

School Act Section 109 (2-5) Examination of Reports by School Medical Officer

Health Act 1981

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (1993)

Greater Victoria School District

Approved:     May 26, 1997


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