Policy 5140.1 Child Abuse

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POLICY 5140.1 


The Board of Education recognizes the need to ensure the personal safety of its students. The aims and objectives of the Board will be to:

  1. Protect our school children from school personnel, or others (including children) who may sexually, physically, or emotionally abuse children.
  1. Provide personal safety programs for children to assist them with their own protection from sexual offences.
  1. Assist personnel in identification and their legal duty to report cases of child abuse under the Child, Family and Community Service Act (Part 3: Division 1(14.1).

Greater Victoria School District

Adopted:       October 27, 1986

Revised:         November 23, 1992

Reviewed:     February 1999

Renumbered from 5140 and

Revised:         October 16, 2006

Revised:         December 10, 2012


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