POLICY 5131.7
Students are expected to comply with school rules authorized by the principal, and with the code of conduct and any other relevant rules and policies of the Greater Victoria Board of School Trustees, School Act [Sections 6 (1), 85 (2)(c)(i)].
The Greater Victoria Board of School Trustees authorizes principals to suspend pupils in accordance with the provisions of the School Act, Section 85 (2)(c)(ii) and (d), Regulation 5 6(a) and (7)(g) and Greater Victoria School District #61 Regulations, 5131.4, (Student Abuse) 5131.3, (Weapons in Schools) and 5131.2 (Threats).
The Board, however, directs the Superintendent, or their delegate, to ensure that the suspension of any student is undertaken, for any length of time, only after exhaustion of all alternative actions which the principal has at their disposal.
Further, The Board directs the Superintendent, or their delegate, to ensure that once a suspension has been effected, all possible District and community resources are organized to resolve the problem with necessitated this action and to have the suspension lifted.
Procedures to be used by principals prior to, during, and after suspension, are provided in the attendant School District Regulation, 5131.7. (Student Suspensions)
Policy 5131.1: Discipline
Policy 5131.3: Weapons
Policy 5131.2: Threats
Policy 5114.6: Attendance
Policy 5131.4: Substance Abuse
Bylaw 9330.1: Appeal Process
Legal Reference:
School Act Section 103 (2)(c)(ii) and (d): Power and Capacity
School Act Section 6 (1)(a)(b): Duties of Students
Regulation 5 (6)(a) and (7)(g): Powers and Duties of Administrative Officers
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: August 1973
Revised and renumbered: August 1993
Revised: March 11, 2019
Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.