POLICY 5131.3
A weapon is anything that is commonly used or designed to hurt someone or to put someone in fear. The Board policy thus concurs with the definition of a weapon in the Criminal Code of Canada, Section 82: “weapon means (a) anything used or intended for use in causing death or injury or not, or (b) anything used or intended for use for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes any firearm as defined in Section 82.”
Students shall not be in possession on school premises at any time or while in any school-sponsored curricular or extra-curricular activity, of a weapon as defined above.
Reference: Policy 5131.1: Discipline
Policy 5131.2: Threats
Policy 5131.7: Student Suspensions
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: July 1983
Revised: August 1993