A responsive and safe school environment is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Discrimination is not part of such an environment. As students learn by example, all members of the school community should model respectful conduct regardless of perceived differences and should refuse to tolerate any form of discrimination. This policy is meant to be congruent with the Canadian Human Rights Act, The British Columbia Human Rights Code, Greater Victoria School District Students’ Charter of Rights and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom.
Discrimination means the subordination of groups or individuals resulting from a distinction, preference or exclusion based on the grounds of race, religion, colour, ethnicity, place of origin, language, age, disability, socio-economic status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, sex, or any other difference.
Discrimination includes harassment, any negative or adverse conduct, comment, gesture or contact, and systemic barriers based on the above grounds. This conduct is harmful and can create a working or learning environment that is intimidating, humiliating, or uncomfortable. It includes any behaviour that is known, or reasonably should be known, to be offensive.
1.The Board of School Trustees is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free from all forms of discrimination.
2. The Board is also committed to creating and maintaining an environment which promotes respect for human rights, ensures equality of opportunity, and supports diversity.
3. The Board does not and shall not tolerate any conduct of discrimination toward any individual or group.
4. This policy applies to all members of the school community including students, employees, trustees, parents, guardians, and volunteers.
- Policy 4302 Multiculturalism
- Policy 5131.0 Personal Safety & Security in the Greater Victoria School District
- School Act Section 6 (1) (2) Duties of Students
- School Act Section 85 (2) Power & Capacity of the Board
- Greater Victoria School District Student Charter of Rights
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: June 2003