Policy 4300.1 Health and Safety

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POLICY 4300.1


The Greater Victoria Board of Education recognizes that the Health and Safety of all employees and students is of primary concern and is, therefore, committed to providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment.

The Board of Education will adopt standards and practices that are in compliance with, but not limited to, the legal and regulatory requirements in an effort to take all reasonable steps to protect employees and students against accidents and health hazards.

The Board of Education will provide qualified First Aid Attendants pursuant to Part 3.16 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

First Aid attendants are on site primarily to care for injured workers, however, in the event of a serious injury to a student, it is expected that care would be administered to the level of their training.

Greater Victoria School District

Adopted:       January 29, 1994

Revised:         October 24, 1994

Revised:         September 16, 2013


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