Policy 3546 Legal Services

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The School Board shall retain legal services and shall review any appointment(s) at least every three (3) years.  Advice and assist­ance may be sought by the Administration in the day-to-day management of the legal affairs of the District or on behalf of the Board.  All requests for legal services shall be made through the Office of the Secretary-Treasurer and/or the Superintendent. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the Secretary-Treasurer may engage legal services other than those retained by specific in­struction of the Board in those circumstances where the interest of the District so dictates.

No proceedings to commence legal action against any party shall be taken without the approval of the Board, except where failure to act immediately, before reference to the Board, may reasonably be expected to cause loss to the District.  In such case, the action must be approved first by a telephone or other poll of the Chairman of the Board and not less than four other trustees.

All actions commenced by others to which the Board may reasonably expect it to respond shall be referred to the Finance and Legal Affairs Committee of the Board.  No formal instructions for defence shall be given without the approval of the Board.  In the event that interim proceedings require response from the District before it is possible to obtain the consideration of the Board, then the interim instructions may be given, having first been approved by a telephone or other poll of the Chairman of the Board and not less than four other trustees.

All such action taken on an emergency basis, under the provisions of this policy, shall be taken by the Secretary-Treasurer, or in his absence, by his designate.  A report of all such instructions, whether taken upon direction of the Board, or in emergency situa­tions as provided for in this policy, shall be reported to the Board at its regular in-camera meeting each month.

Greater Victoria School District

Adopted:       February 28, 1983

Revised:         April 24, 1984


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