Policy 2211.15 Involvement of Parents in the Selection of Administrators

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POLICY 2211.15


Consistent with its policy of meaningful parental involvement in the educational process, the Board of School Trustees, School District No.61 (Greater Victoria) declares that it shall involve parents in the selection of school principals to the extent consistent with the School Act and effective District administration. Specifically, this means the involvement of parents in the selection of principals to the extent of soliciting from a representative group at the District level, a statement of qualities which it considers most desirable in an administrator as well as a statement of what it considers to be the most pressing needs of the District in relation to the principalship. In addition, it means soliciting, from each school community, similar information.  Such information is to be used a guide-line by the Board’s short-listing committee in relation to selection, and the senior administrator in relation to transfer and placement.

Greater Victoria School District

Approved:     January 12, 1981


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