POLICY 2100.1
The Superintendent’s evaluation provides for both accountability and growth, as well
as for strengthening the relationship between the Board and the Superintendent. The
written Superintendent evaluation report will affirm specific accomplishments and
identify areas of growth, where applicable.
The Superintendent’s evaluation:
1. Will be reasonably related to the roles and responsibilities of the Superintendent
and the goals of the District strategic plan.
2. Will provide for a written evaluation of the Superintendent’s performance at
least once in a four-year trustee term with preference being the middle years of
the Superintendent’s contract.
3. Will emphasize the need for and use of evidence for evaluation purposes within
the interview process.
4. Will utilize an anonymous leadership survey tool and an external consultant.
1. The Chair will appoint two trustees who will, together with the Superintendent,
seek consensus relative to the evaluation process , including but not limited to,
recommending an external consultant, selecting a leadership survey tool and
identifying the possible recipients of the survey tool and staff who may be
2. Upon approval of the Board, an external consultant will be engaged who will be
responsible for completing the final report.
3. The anonymous leadership survey will be sent to the following that have a
recent working relationship with the Superintendent:
• Trustees
• VCPAC Executive
• District Leadership Team
• Principals
• Teachers
• Indigenous Leaders
• ASA, CUPE 382, CUPE 947, GVTA
• Community Organization
• Partners Other
4. The external consultant will conduct interviews with groups identified in 3
5. The interview questions will align to Roles and Responsibilities of the
Superintendent and the goals of the Strategic Plan.
6. The external consultant will gather all information, analyze and prepare a
written evaluation report to be presented to the Board.
7. The Superintendent will create a growth plan that will be reviewed with the
Board annually.
Adopted: September 26, 2022
Frequency of Review: Annual