1.1 The Greater Victoria School District uses social media to communicate with parents, staff, students, and the broader community. Social media tools are also commonly used by Trustees, employees, and students to communicate with others.
1.2 It is important social media activity is professional and reflects the District’s values of engagement, openness, partnerships, respect and integrity.
1.3 Responsible personal and professional use of social media will ensure the role, reputation, and interests of the entire District, employees and students are protected.
1.4 This policy is intended to guide the use of social media while using and interacting with the District’s social media platforms and resources. This policy applies to District Trustees, employees, and students.
2.1 Social media: is defined as any website or application that enables a user to create and share content or to participate in social networking. “Social media” includes, but is not limited to:
2.1.1 Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram)
2.1.2 Video and photo sharing websites (e.g. YouTube, Flickr, Tiktok)
2.1.3 Live streaming platforms (e.g. Facebook live, Instagram live)
2.1.4 Blogs
2.1.5 Podcasts
2.1.6 Electronic messaging apps (e.g. WhatsApp)
2.1.7 Video conference and live chat platforms
2.1.8 Online news blogs hosted by media outlets, including the comment sections
2.1.9 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin
2.1.10 Discussion forums and groups (e.g. Reddit)
2.1.11 Content: Includes online information and communications such as posts, blog posts, wall posts, tweets, document posting, images and video posting, comments, replies, direct messages, events, invitations, and other similar communications.
3.1 Social media use must be undertaken in a manner that is respectful, privacy and copyright compliant and consistent with all District policies and regulations.
3.2 Social Media Activity:
3.2.1 When engaging on social media:
i. Treat everyone with respect and equality
ii. Social media supports two-way conversations
iii. Strive for accuracy
3.2.2 Trustees, employees, and students must conduct their social media use in accordance with professional and appropriate standards and all District policies, including but not limited to:
i. Code of Conduct
ii. Technology Usage as referenced in Regulation 1300.2 Employee Acceptable Use of Digital Technology and Regulation 1300.3 Student Acceptable Use of Digital Technology
iii. Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Harassment
iv. Respectful Workplace
3.2.3 Trustees, employees, and students must not share or post information, opinions, images, or links on their professional or district sites containing any of the following:
i. Content that threatens or defames any individual or organization
ii. Violent, profane, or obscene content
iii. Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates hate or discrimination
iv. Marketing or advertising purposes (other than District endorsed sponsors/affiliations/partnerships)
v. Promotion of illegal activity
vi. Information that may compromise the safety or security of the public or District technology
vii. Information about or concerning individual employees, or students without their consent
viii. Content that is confidential
ix. Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party, including violation of trademarks or copyright
3.3 Social Media Management
3.3.1 Official District social media sites are maintained by District staff.
3.3.2 District social media tools will not be used to promote commercial activities, personal opinions, or political campaigns.
3.3.3 Staff endeavor to provide a timely response to social media enquiries.
3.3.4 Correspondence, general information requests, and concerns requiring timely response or action should be submitted directly to the Board Office, respective school, or appropriate department, via phone, email, or in-person.
3.4 Public Record
3.4.1 All District and school social media sites will adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and policies, including applicable District bylaws and policies.
3.4.2 Content generated or received within District social media channels are considered official records of the District. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act applies to social media content, and therefore, all social media content generated or received within District social media tools will be managed, stored, and retrieved to comply with the legislation.
3.5 Copyright Laws
3.5.1 Laws governing copyright and fair use or fair dealing of copyrighted material owned by others must be adhered to, including District copyrights and brand standards. The District logo should not be used without approval from the Superintendent or designate.
3.6 Compliance
3.6.1 This policy is in addition to and complements all other District policies, including those that govern the use of technology, human resources, and the interests of the District.
3.6.2 Any Trustee, employee or student that becomes aware of or has knowledge of content in violation of the provisions of this policy shall notify their respective teacher, supervisor or District Superintendent immediately.
3.6.3 Inappropriate communications or use of District social media, or other electronic devices, are subject to the same policies and principles as other forms of work-related misconduct. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of District internet, email, and social media may result in the loss of access, and depending on the seriousness of the infraction, may result in disciplinary action.
4.1 The Board of Education is responsible to ensure compliance with the School Act
4.2 The Superintendent is responsible to ensure that District policy is upheld and administrative procedures are developed and enforced.
5.1 Policy 8251 Trustee Code of Conduct
5.2 Regulation 1300.2 Employee Acceptable Use of Digital Technology
5.3 Regulation 1300.3 Student Acceptable Use of Digital Technology
5.4 School Codes of Conduct can be found on school websites
5.5 School Act Section 85.1
Adopted: June 20, 2022
of Review: