BYLAW 9360.1
- In-camera items that may be discussed confidentially include legal, property, personnel and privacy matters as defined by provincial legislation.
- The Chair of the Board or Standing Committee may call an in-camera meeting to occur prior to a regularly scheduled Board or Standing Committee meeting.
- The Chair of the Board, the Secretary Treasurer or any three Trustees may call a special in-camera meeting of the Board, in addition to the regularly scheduled in-camera meetings.
- In the event that the Chair of the Board or Standing Committee determines that no in-camera meeting is required, Trustees will be advised.
- When an in-camera meeting is called, the Chair of the Board or Standing Committee shall prepare an agenda which shall follow the format as that for the meetings of the Board in general session.
- Agendas will be circulated in advance of a called meeting.
- Any matter to be brought to the public from an in-camera meeting will be done upon an approved motion of the Board.
Greater Victoria School District
- Approved: April 27, 1981
- Revised: November 25, 1991
- Revised: March 28, 2011 (rewritten and subsumes 9255.2)
- Reviewed: March 2012