BYLAW 9140
- The Board may establish Ad Hoc Committees of the Board.
- An Ad Hoc Committee shall be an advisory committee established for a temporary purpose to deal with a specific issue. The Ad Hoc Committee shall report to the appropriate Standing Committee of the Board, within the time prescribed and within its terms of reference, with recommendation for action, which may include a recommendation for policy change.
- All committees established by the Board of Education including Standing Committees of the Board, are considered advisory committees to the Board.
- The membership of the Committee shall select a Chair at the first meeting of the Committee and select a note taker at each meeting.
- Chair of the Committee, or the Chair’s delegate, will be responsible for preparing the agenda.
- Two or more members attending ad hoc committees will form quorum regardless of type of member.
- A member Trustee will be responsible for providing the minutes and reporting to the Standing Committee.
- Ad Hoc Committees of the Board require a Terms of Reference document (template below), which will be drafted by school district senior administration and presented to the Board.
- Trustee members of any Ad Hoc Committee shall be as selected by the Board
- The Chair of the Board shall be a member of all Ad Hoc Committees, without voting rights.
- The Superintendent or designate may be a member of all Ad Hoc Committees.
- The Ad Hoc Committee shall be dissolved by motion of the Board.
- Any changes to the TOR will be approved by the Board.
- Ad Hoc Committee meeting materials including agendas, minutes, reports and up to date Terms of Reference for all Ad Hoc Committees will be posted to the District website.
Greater Victoria School District
- Approved: April 27, 1981
- Revised: Sept. 22, 1986
- Revised: October 24, 1988
- Minor revisions: June 1998
- Adopted: February 25, 2002
- Reviewed: March 2012
- Revised: April 20, 2015
- Revised: November 16, 2015
- Revised: September 27, 2021
Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference Template
Procedural Notes:
Date Adopted: