Bylaw 9005 Trustee Elections and By-Elections

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BYLAW 9005



A bylaw to provide for the determination of various procedures for the conduct of general school elections and other trustee elections.

Under Part 4 of the School Act, the Board of Education may, by bylaw, determine various procedures and requirements to be applied in the conduct of trustee elections.

In School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria), nine (9) trustees are elected from the school district at large.

Trustee elections which are the responsibility of the School Board may be conducted by the school board directly or by a local government under an agreement with the school board made pursuant to the School Act and Local Government Act.

The Board of Education, in an open meeting of the board, enacts as follows:

1. Definitions
The terms used shall have the meanings assigned by the School Act, the Local Government Act, and the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, except as the context indicates otherwise.

“Board” or “school board” means the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria).

“Election” means a trustee election including general school elections and by-elections.

“General Voting Day” means the date on which general voting for a trustee election is to take place, whether part of the general school elections or a by-election.

“Minister” means the Minister of Education.

2. Application
This bylaw applies to both general school elections and by-elections carried out by the school board and by other authorities, except as otherwise indicated.

3. Application of Local Government Bylaws
For purposes of harmonizing trustee elections with local government elections occurring at the same time, the elections bylaws of the following local governments, as they may be amended from time to time, and as they apply to Voting Opportunities and Use of Voting Machines will apply to voting in trustee elections carried out in conjunction with the respective local government elections, except as provided otherwise in this bylaw or in the School Act:

The Capital Regional District (Songhees and Esquimalt Reserves)
The Corporation of the Township of Esquimalt
The Corporation of the District of Oak Bay
The Corporation of the District of Saanich
The Corporation of the City of Victoria
The District of Highlands
The Town of View Royal

4. By-elections
For elections held at times other than a general school board election,
the procedures are outlined in Part 4, Division 3 of the School Act.

5. Order of Names on the Ballot
The order of names of candidates on the ballot will be alphabetical in accordance with the School Act and the Local Government Act.

6. Resolution of Tie Votes after Judicial Recount
In the event of a tie vote after a judicial recount, the tie vote will be resolved by conducting a lot in accordance with the School Act and the Local Government Act.

7. Number of Nominators
For certainty, the minimum numbers of qualified nominators for a trustee candidate is two.
8. Nomination Deposit
No nomination deposit is required for nomination for the office of school trustee.

This bylaw may be cited as Bylaw No. 9005 Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria) Trustee Elections and By-Elections.

Greater Victoria School District
Adopted: September 13, 1993
Revised : June 27, 1994
Adopted: February 25, 2002
Revised: August 25, 2014
Revised: June 25, 2018


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