BYLAW 9220
The Board of School Trustees recognizes the importance of having specific and detailed instructions in writing for the guidance and decision-making of its personnel. To ensure that the administration of day-to-day matters throughout the School District are in accordance with the School Act, the Board of Trustees requires that Administrative Regulations be formulated and compiled. All regulations will be based on policy statements adopted by resolution at official Board meetings. It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent of Schools as the Chief Executive Officer to ensure that these resolutions are carried out.
1.0 Definition
An Administrative Regulation outlines specific and detailed instructions which:
a) derive from a policy statement adopted by motion of the Board of School Trustees
b) are consistent with such policy statement from which they derive
c) make the policy statement operative
d) enables personnel, to whom day-to-day administration of the School District has been delegated, to make decisions commensurate with the intent of the policy statement adopted by the Board of School Trustees.
2.0 Formulation and Compilation
Following adoption of new policy statements, or amendments or deletion of existing policy statements, by the Board of School Trustees, the Superintendent of Schools, in the capacity of Chief Executive Officer, shall be responsible for the formulation and compilation of such new or amended administrative regulations, or deletion of existing administrative regulations, as required which:
(a) shall be fully consistent with such policy statements adopted by the Board of School Trustees in order to make them operative, and
(b) shall conform to the School Act.
3.0 Presentation
The Administrative Regulations shall be presented in writing by the Superintendent of Schools or designate, to the Board Agenda setting meetings consisting of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer:
a) as information items only unless
b) i) the administrative regulation content involves a direct monetary attachment requiring authorization by the Board of School Trustees, in which case a motion must accompany the administrative regulation for Board action,
b) ii) the advice of the Superintendent of Schools is that a particular administrative regulation should receive special consideration of the Board of School Trustees, in which case a motion must accompany the administrative regulation for Board action.
- The Board Agenda setting meeting shall, following its review and determination of readiness for presentation to the Board, include the item on the Agenda for information or consideration of the Board of School Trustees at its next regular meeting at which the Board may:
a) in the case of an information item, direct any changes it deems necessary and, in the absence of any directions, the item is deemed to be accepted
b) in the case of an administrative regulation requiring adoption by motion, either:
i) Adopt the motion as submitted
ii) Amend the motion and adopt the motion as amended
iii) Refer the motion
iv) Table the motion
v) Defeat the motion thereby adopting, or amending and adopting as amended, or referring, or tabling, rejecting the proposed new Administrative Regulation or amendment to, or deletion of, the existing Administrative Regulation, as the case may be.
Minor Updating Process
From time-to-time minor updating of regulations is needed to reflect current nomenclature and other operational requirements. Types of minor updating are new position descriptions, gender language, number sequences and organization of manuals where required. Minor updating will be done without submission of each updated regulation to the Board. The Board will be advised in writing of any such updates for their information. This process will not change the intent of any documents.
Greater Victoria School District
- Adopted: December 16, 1968
- Revised: July 1975
- Revised: September 11, 1978
- Revised: August 1981, November 1981
- Revised: January 1997
- Adopted: February 25, 2002
- Reviewed: March 2012
- Revised: December 14, 2022