A. Daily Transportation
1. The legal walk limits will be as defined in the Public Schools Act Regulation No. 129.
2. Students within the legal limits as defined above may be transported if space is available. The selection of these students will be at the discretion of the Principal concerned in consultation with the Superintendent or their delegate.
3. Daily transportation shall be by the designated school contract bus service. Where contract bus service is not provided to areas beyond the walk limits, transportation may be provided in accordance with Public Schools Act Regulation No. 126.
B. Transportation Assistance
1. Agencies such as the B.C. Society for Crippled Children may enter into contracts with the School Board for the daily transportation of special class students in accordance with the Public Schools Act Regulation No. 126.
2. Parents/ guardians wishing their children to be transported by the special societies shall contact the school Principal concerned or the Superintendent or their delegate.
3. Where parents/ guardians desire to use other approved transportation to transport students to special schools under Regulation 126, they will be eligible to receive transportation assistance at the current rates as defined by the Ministry of Education. These rates may be obtained by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer’s Department.
C. Field Trip Planning Check List (Regulation 3545.2, Attachment 3)
The attached checklist reflects the expectations held by the Board of School Trustees for all principals in the matter of school journeys. Principals are
responsible for ensuring that all conditions listed have been met prior to the journey. Should any planned school journey involve unique circumstances or
situations not addressed in this list, principals are to consult with the appropriate associate superintendent.
Principals are required to file copies of all out-of-district field trip approvals with their associate superintendent at least one week prior to the trip.
Please refer to: Regulation 3545.2 (Attachment 3)
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: July 1980
Revised: March 1991
Revised: April 2006
Revised: April 2008
Revised: September 2008
Revised: September 2011
Revised: March 2019
Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.
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