Regulation 1311.1 Polling Stations in Schools

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  1. The District calendar shall make note that the election of all Trustees, known collectively as a General School Election, must be held in the year 2014 and in every fourth year after that. The General Voting Day for the General School Election must be on the third Saturday in October in the year of the election.
  2. The General School Election shall be conducted by the Board-appointed Chief Election Officer.
  3. The Rentals Department shall be responsible for negotiating with individuals responsible for the conduct of elections (General School, Municipal, Provincial, and Federal) as to the venue, equipment, utilities and other requirements.
  4. Elections shall take precedence over conflicting scheduled activities, under all circumstances.
  5. Schools selected to have polling stations for an election shall provide adequate support to the conduct of a poll.
  6. Schools shall ensure appropriate backup for all personnel responsible for opening schools for a poll.
  7. Schools shall not schedule other events on school premises on the day of an election that may interfere with the conduct of a poll.

Reference:      Part 4, Division 3, Section 35 School Act
Local Government Act
School Trustee Election Procedures in British Columbia

Adopted:          February 14, 2022

Revised:          (TBD)



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