Student-Led Wellness Resource Fair Coming to Victoria High School for Secondary Students on Thursday, April 25
The Representative Advisory Council of Students has organized a fair for secondary students to explore local community wellness resources.
The Wellness Resource Fair will occur on Thursday, April 25 at Victoria High School.
This year’s Representative Advisory Council of Students—a group of highly motivated and passionate students from across the Greater Victoria School District—identified mental health and wellness as a core area that students were interested in learning more about, especially in the realm of existing community resources.
To address this need, Molly Descantes, a Grade 11 student at Victoria High School put forward the idea of a Wellness Resource Fair where students from across schools could explore community organizations’ services in a one-stop-shop fair environment. Thanks to her initiative and phenomenal job engaging local organizations, the Wellness Resource Fair is scheduled for Thursday, April 25 at Victoria High School.
“I chose to organize the Wellness Resource Fair because I want to make sure that students know about all the amazing resources available to them,” says Molly, who has secured the attendance of local businesses and non-profits that offer mental, physical, spiritual, and nutritional health services in our community.
The Wellness Resource Fair is open to secondary students within the district. Students interested in attending are encouraged to speak with their school principal.
“I want to make sure that students feel seen and heard when they need support in any areas of their wellbeing. It can sometimes feel like you don’t know where to start looking for resources. I hope that this fair can be used as a first step towards making wellness more accessible for all students,” says Molly.
For staff at both Victoria High School and the Greater Victoria School District, it has been a pleasure to support Molly in making her vision come to life. The Greater Victoria School District wishes to recognize all student representatives that make a powerful difference within our district by giving a voice to the student population and applying their leadership skills to elevate learning.
Participating Organizations
Thank you to the many organizations that have volunteered their time to speak to students and share their valuable resources including:
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Thrifty Foods for making this event possible. Their generosity has allowed this event to flourish and provide nutritional sustenance for presenters—thank you!
Greater Victoria School District No. 61