Greater Victoria Board of Education re-elects Jordan Watters as Chair

The Board of Education held its annual elections on November 23, 2020. Nominations were called for the position of Board Chair, Vice Chair, and Board representatives for the British Columbia Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) and the British Columbia School Trustees’ Association Provincial Councillor (BCSTA).

Jordan Watters was voted in as Board Chair for her third term. Watters has been a school trustee since 2014.

“I am honoured to serve as Chair for a third year and I want to extend my sincere thanks to my trustee colleagues for once again entrusting me with this role. I am proud of what our Board has accomplished over the first half of our term together, and I look forward to continuing this good work in partnership with staff, students, families, government agencies, local partners and our broader community,” said Board Chair Jordan Watters. “I recognize that the year ahead will hold many challenges as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am grateful for the strength and commitment of our learning community to making sure our schools remain as safe and joyful as possible.”

Elaine Leonard was acclaimed as Vice Chair of the Board of Education.

Trustee Tom Ferris was acclaimed as the Board representative for BCPSEA. Trustee Ryan Painter was elected as the Board Representative for BCSTA.

Elected Trustees will assume these roles for a year.


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