Air Quality Conditions in Greater Victoria Region

Dear families,

Health and safety of students and staff remains the top priority of the Greater Victoria School District. District staff have been monitoring the wildfire smoke projections and health advisories, and will continue to do so.

As air quality may range in the region, it may also vary in the local areas of Greater Victoria schools. Therefore, in areas with high smoke density, schools will practice strategies that are similar to a ‘Hold and Secure’ when necessary. This includes:

  • Keeping exterior windows closed
  • Keeping exterior doors closed during the school day
  • Keeping students in during recess/lunch/breaks if they cannot tolerate the air quality

School-based staff will also monitor students with asthma or other breathing conditions.

All COVID-19 health and safety control measures remain in place in all schools; which include maximizing physical distancing when indoors if students are outside their learning group, practising respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene, and daily self-assessment health checks.

Island Health recommends the following:

  • With the current air quality (Air Quality Health Index is at 10+), vigorous activities like planned PE classes outdoors will not take place.
  • Students can still go outside during recess and lunch if they can tolerate it. Students with asthma may feel the poor air quality more than others.
    • For those who cannot tolerate it, we will plan to have in-day procedures just like rainy days.
  • The schools’ COVID safety plan allows for students and staff to maintain distancing and follow health and safety protocols when staying indoors and outdoors.

If you have concerns, please contact the school directly.

For more information, please review the BCCDC’s Wildfire Smoke Fact Sheet


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