Board of Education Highlights – Report from Monday, May 28, 2018

Board of Education Highlights
Report from Monday, May 28, 2018

The Board of Education Highlights provide updates on presentations and decisions made during the Board Meetings. For more information, please visit our District website where you can view the full agenda and video stream of the meeting:

Victoria High: Planning for the future

The Board of Education voted unanimously in support of the motion put forward by the Operations Planning and Policy Committee for the Superintendent to provide a detailed report on two options for Victoria High School that looks to preserve the current building.

The two options the Superintendent will further explore include a report on a “Seismic Plus” option and a “Seismic Plus with Capacity” option. The Seismic Plus option includes seismically upgrading the building with internal improvements. The Seismic Plus with Capacity includes seismically upgrading the building with internal improvements, as well as, additional capacity for growing student enrolment and a Neighbourhood Learning Centre.

The report will outline detailed cost estimates for each project. The $100-$110 million range option is not being considered. As well, funding for the Neighbourhood Learning Centre would come from additional provincial funding to support community hubs at schools.

The report will be presented at the next Operations Planning and Policy Committee meeting on Monday, June 11, 2018.

Inclusion for Learning Strategy

Trustees will focus on providing the appropriate infrastructure and supplies to ensure that all schools can equitably provide an Inclusive Learning Environment. Last night, the Board of Education voted in support of the Inclusion for Learning Strategy.

Part of the Learning Strategy is to create spaces in every school that ensures the safety and dignity of all learners (Goal 1, Strategy 1.3). In the past months, District staff and Facilities have conducted a review of space in all the schools to determine what infrastructure is needed to meet this goal.  Some schools require little modification while others have significant needs.

The Facilities department estimates it will take approximately $875,000 to complete the capital renovations and around 18-24 months to complete all projects.

2020 Canadian Francophone Games

Victoria will host the Canadian Francophone games in 2020. The Francophone Games offer an opportunity for youth to participate and compete in three categories: arts, sports and leadership. The organizing committee has sought support from the School District to provide housing and hospitality for participants. As well, the District is being asked to provide venues for various events.

The Board of Education has now approved accommodations for approximately 1,200 athletes at three schools for six nights, facility use for events, and operations and support staff to help with the event. The District will receive full payment for these services by May 2020.


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