Friday, January 15, 2021
Greater Victoria School District Seeks Input on Seismic Options for Shoreline Middle and Craigflower Elementary, including potential School Closure
VICTORIA, BC – Craigflower Elementary School and Shoreline Middle School require significant seismic upgrades. Both schools have been identified as a high priority risk (H1).
Through the District’s capital planning department, a range of options has been explored for upgrading the schools. There are four options, one of which includes the closure of Craigflower Elementary and the relocation of the school to an expanded Shoreline Middle School site for a K-8 configuration.
Proposed Seismic Options:
- Seismic Upgrade for both Shoreline and Craigflower
- Seismic Upgrade and Expansion for Shoreline/ Reconfiguration for K-8 (close Craigflower and move students to Shoreline)
- Seismic Upgrade for Shoreline / No improvements to Craigflower
- Seismic Upgrade for Craigflower/ No improvements to Shoreline
Please see backgrounder attached for further details and other important considerations.
“Our first priority is always providing a safe learning environment for our students and staff,” noted Board Chair Jordan Watters. “Everyone deserves to be safe and feel safe when entering our school buildings. We also understand safety more broadly and are continually working to provide equitable learning opportunities and create culturally responsive learning spaces. It is important that our schools have a meaningful connection to the communities they serve and we move forward with an inclusive and sustainable future in mind.”
There are a number of considerations when planning for upgrades to a school including educational needs, capacity and student enrolment projections. Other considerations include operating and capital costs, environment, Indigenous and community values, and community amenities.
“These decisions are very complex so it’s very important we hear from staff, students, families, the community and local Nations,” said Superintendent Shelley Green. “Public input is an important part of informing the Board’s decision-making process. The more we hear from our surrounding community, the closer we can come to achieving and creating a shared vision within the scope of what’s possible.”
The District has and will continue to have conversations with the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. The Board is now entering into broader community consultation. An online open house will be held on Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the proposed options and provide an opportunity for the community to share what is important to them. For more information visit: www.sd61.bc.ca
In addition, an online survey is being released to gather input on the proposed options. The District is encouraging students, staff, parents and guardians, and members of the nearby community to participate and share their priorities. All input collected will be compiled and presented to the Board to help inform future planning.
Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Craigflower-Shoreline
The survey will close on Friday, January 29, 2021 at 3 p.m.
For more information, please contact:
Lisa McPhail
Communications & Community Engagement
Greater Victoria School District
Office: 250.475.4103