September 22, 2022
School Trustee Candidate Profile Guide now available
VICTORIA, BC – On Saturday, October 15, 2022, voters in the capital region will vote to elect nine school trustees for a four-year term to serve on the Greater Victoria School Board.
For the first time, to help voters access information about the candidates in the upcoming General Location Election, an online School Trustee Candidate Profile Guide is being provided. Consistent with many local governments, the guide makes information more accessible to the public and informs the community about who is seeking a seat on the Board of Education.
Given the high number of candidates, the guide aims to provide candidate information in one document that is only a few clicks away for families to review. There are 30 candidates for School Trustee in this election.
Also new this year, students helped create a video to increase voter engagement and awareness about the role of a School Trustee. They lend their voices to inform voters on how and where to vote, and what documentation is required.
The School Trustee Candidate Profile Guide and student video are available on the District’s website.
Candidate Profile Guide: https://www.sd61.bc.ca/board-of-education/trustee-elections/
Student-led Election Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfkbqgB2tBA&feature=youtu.be
For advanced voting hours and locations, visit your local municipality’s website.
For more information contact:
Lisa McPhail
Communications & Community Engagement
Greater Victoria School District
Office 250.475.4103