Monday, April 19, 2021
Information Session to learn more about Sale of Land to Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique
VICTORIA, BC – The Greater Victoria School District is hosting an information session for the community to learn more and provide feedback on the sale of 7.3 acres of land at Lansdowne Middle School for $15 million. The land will be sold to the Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique (CSF) for a future new school.
The information session will include a presentation about the land sale and how the funds from the sale of the land will fund future capital upgrades to existing schools and respond to growing student enrolment in the Greater Victoria School District. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Zoom Meeting: https://gvsd61.zoom.us/j/61313393772?pwd=UE5ZZUo3bWRPcGhzNWwzUjBadlNwZz09
Once public consultation has concluded, the Greater Victoria School Board will give final consideration to the disposal of the Lansdowne lands to School District 93 by three readings of a disposal bylaw. If approved, the CSF will then commence the municipal land-use process to rezone and subdivide the property.
For the past six years, the CSF has leased and operated l’École Beausoleil at the former Sundance Elementary location from the Greater Victoria School District. The lease ended in June 2020 and CSF was granted an extension to June 2021. Sundance Elementary will be reopened in September 2021 as a Greater Victoria School District elementary school to meet the school district’s growing need.
In 2018, Greater Victoria School District underwent a boundary review due to increasing enrolment and space pressures in some of its schools. A result of the review was the school district had to re-align school boundaries and find additional space to accommodate current and future catchment students in the communities of Victoria and Oak Bay. It was determined that the Sundance School building was required for Greater Victoria School District enrolment.
The Lansdowne property located in the Shelbourne neighbourhood of Saanich, BC is 25 acres in size and 7.3 acres will be sold. A sale of lands between two school districts does not require Ministry of Education approval.
To learn more visit: www.sd61.bc.ca/news-events/community/proposed-disposal-of-lansdowne-middle-school-lands/
For more information contact:
Lisa McPhail
Communications & Community Engagement
Greater Victoria School District
Office: 250.475.4103