Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Bright Idea: Students get creative to reduce energy consumption
VICTORIA, BC – Students in the Greater Victoria School District are getting creative while promoting energy conversation through the School District’s new “Lights Out” initiative.
Students can design stickers for their school’s light switch covers that encourage staff and students to turn off lights when classrooms aren’t in use. The stickers, which cost less than five cents each to produce, are expected to save up to 10% in lighting energy costs.
“The Greater Victoria School District is committed to creating a more sustainable learning community and to providing opportunities for our students to engage in practical initiatives that support this goal,” said Superintendent Deb Whitten. “Involving students in energy saving projects not only increases engagement in their learning but helps them to develop life-long energy saving habits.”
The Lights Out initiative was successfully piloted at Tillicum Elementary this Fall and classes at both Hillcrest and Torquay elementaries are currently participating in the program. Plans are underway to expand the initiative to all District elementary schools and eventually to pilot the program in both middle and high school classrooms.
Please see the attachment for examples of students’ light switch artwork.
For more information, please contact:
Lisa McPhail
Communications & Community Engagement
Greater Victoria School District
Office 250.475.4103