Friday, February 11, 2022
Greater Victoria School Board Censures and Suspends Two School Trustees
VICTORIA, BC – The Board of Education for the Greater Victoria School District No. 61 held a closed meeting to consider allegations of misconduct related to two Board trustees. At that meeting, the Board determined to censure those trustees for their misconduct. In addition, both Trustee Diane McNally and Trustee Rob Paynter have been suspended from their duties until October 2022.
The Board was made aware of two formal complaints about bullying and harassment towards staff related to disparaging comments made publicly. Due to the serious nature of these allegations, the Board launched a third-party investigation with a highly experienced lawyer and investigator.
A thorough investigation and subsequent report substantiated the claims of misconduct. The Board is reviewing the trustee code of conduct and bylaws to ensure appropriate measures are in place to address these types of behaviours.
There must be zero tolerance for bullying in the Greater Victoria School District. All employees and students deserve to feel safe when they enter our schools and workplace.
This statement is released under section 72(3) of the School Act, which requires a Board of Education to prepare a record containing a general statement as to the nature of the matters discussed and the general nature of the decisions reached at a meeting from which persons other than trustees or officers of the Board, or both, were excluded.
For more information contact:
Lisa McPhail
Communications & Community Engagement
Greater Victoria School District
Office: 250.475.4103