1.1 Trustees are elected in accordance with the Local Government Act. The B.C.
School Act prescribes eligibility requirements for running for the office of School Trustee.
3.1 The role of the Trustee is to contribute to the Board as it carries out its legislated mandate, to achieve its vision and goals related to student success. The oath of office taken by each Trustee when they assume office binds that person to work diligently and faithfully in the cause of public education. A Trustee must first and foremost be concerned with the interests of the school Board and its stated mission.
3.2 Trustees balance their governance role with their representative role, participating in decision-making that benefits the whole district while representing the interests of their constituents. In carrying out their role, trustees have the challenge of balancing their responsibilities and allegiances as representatives of their communities with their role as education leaders within the decision-making body of the board as a whole.
3.3 The Board of Education is a corporation. The decisions of the Board in properly constituted meetings are those of the corporation. The School Act gives no individual authority to trustees. As members of the Board, trustees are accountable to the public for the collective decisions of the Board, and for the delivery and quality of educational services.
3.4 A Trustee must serve the community as an elected representative, but the Trustee’s primary task is to act as a member of the corporate Board. School Board trustees collectively and individually have a public duty to carry out their responsibilities and the work of the Board in good faith and with reasonable diligence. A Trustee’s fiduciary duties are owed to the school Board which is, in turn, accountable to the electorate.
3.5 Roles and Responsibilities of Individual
The Trustee shall:
i. Become familiar with district policies and procedures, meeting agendas and reports in order to participate in board business.
ii. Refer governance queries issues and problems not covered by board policy to the board for Board discussion and decision. For example a policy may be silent on an issue that needs review by the Board.
iii. Arrange personal contact with District staff through the Superintendent.
iv. Keep the board and district management informed in a timely manner of all matters coming to their attention that might affect the district by Trustee and District Staff email.
v. Refrain from becoming involved in or expressing judgments on any school-level or community disputes or concerns, but listen to complainants and refer them to the district’s Complaints Policy #1155.
vi. Support the decision of the board and monitor progress to ensure decisions are implemented.
vii. When delegated responsibility, exercise such authority within the defined limits in a responsible and effective way.
viii. Participate in board/trustee development sessions, including orientation, so that the quality of leadership and service in the district can be enhanced.
ix. After attending conferences, seminars or workshops at board expenses, the trustee shall submit a report to the board, which will be included in the next Board agenda package.
x. Be knowledgeable and respectful of the roles of those who work with and for the board.
xi. Attend meetings of the Board, participate in, and contribute to the debate regarding potential decisions of the Board in order to provide the best solutions possible for the education of students within the District as determined by majority vote of the Board.
xii. Attend committee meetings or meetings as a Board representative, as assigned and accepted, and report to the Board in a timely manner through standing committees or through Trustee Reports on the Board agenda, following reporting timelines determined by Board vote and Policy.
xiii. Strive to develop a positive and respectful learning and working culture both within the Board and the District.
xiv. Continue to carry out duties with integrity and responsibility during an election period.
xv. Always adhere to the Trustee Code of Conduct.
4.1 The Board of Education is responsible to ensure compliance with the School Act, Workers’ Compensation Act/WorkSafeBC and policies of the Board.
Adopted: September 26, 2022
Frequency of Review: Annual